Travis Martin, Planner
Travis Martin, Planner
Travis Martin, AICP
Senior Planner & Urban Designer
Travis has in-depth planning experience in the non-profit and public sectors and has worked as a city planner in Houston and New Orleans. His expertise covers a full range with a special interest in land use, comprehensive planning, transportation, pedestrian and bicycle planning, urban design, and stormwater management. He is adept at funding sourcing, project management, and community engagement.

Travis’s journey into urban planning grew out of his experience as a Peace Corps volunteer. Stationed in Peru, he helped build sanitation facilities and organize trash collection in a small town. This immersive experience and exploration of the cities of Latin America steered him toward planning as an avenue to continue the work of improving communities. This goal fits neatly with the Manning objective of improving the quality of life in the communities where we live, work, and thrive. Travis contributes to the firm’s Transit Oriented Development projects, community outreach, and urban planning and design.

He is a native of Baton Rouge, enjoys basketball, cycling, and all things outdoors, and hones his fluency in Spanish on frequent trips to Latin America.