Monroe Community and Recreation Center Visioning Plan

Monroe Community and Recreation Center Visioning Plan

7 community centers re-imagined in the City of Monroe
The City of Monroe, Louisiana is re-envisioning its community and recreation centers in a comprehensive, city-wide effort. The city turned to Manning to assess the existing conditions of its seven centers, engage residents in determining what each community needs, creating a vision for the new centers, and developing short-term and long-term plans for improvements.

With robust community participation, Manning developed the program for each center. Site improvements include site lighting, signage, landscaping, community gardens, murals, walking paths, ball fields, tennis courts, and pools. The proposed building renovations will transform the outdated centers into true community assets. Manning’s designs include color palettes and materials reflecting nature and each unique neighborhood. Four of the seven centers will function as evacuation facilities in the event of a disaster. Alternative energy sources, such as solar panels, are being integrated into the design of these dual purpose centers with the possibility of expanding the energy program to additional recreation centers.

The phased implementation plan addresses costs, funding availability, and the scope of needed improvements. The intent of the short-term improvements is to activate projects that will benefit the community immediately. Longer-term improvements address the full scope of improvements envisioned for these focal community assets.