Southern University New Orleans Master Plan
Master planning to facilitate growth and development
Manning developed a master plan for Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) that included a comprehensive building assessment and linkage for a new campus addition. The 22-acre main campus is situated near Lake Pontchartrain. The master plan encompassed the existing 22-acre campus and a 38-acre tract that SUNO acquired in 1994 to accommodate future expansion. This northern campus is separated from the main campus across a major thoroughfare. As part of the master planning process, Manning developed land use plans, landscape plans, linkage opportunities between campuses, and utility strategies for the urban campus. The recommendations of the master plan addressed short- and long-term needs of the university to guide development.
Following Hurricane Katrina, Manning assessed the condition of all the buildings on SUNO’s entire campus and make recommendations for their demolition, restoration, and/or repair.
Following Hurricane Katrina, Manning assessed the condition of all the buildings on SUNO’s entire campus and make recommendations for their demolition, restoration, and/or repair.